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Overcome Breast Lumps while Breastfeeding in These 5 Ways

“Appearing a lump in the breast while breastfeeding is a natural thing. In some cases, a lump may not require special treatment because it is not bothersome and harmless. However, there are some tips for dealing with this condition, such as adjusting the baby's position while breastfeeding, compressing and massaging the breast, and avoiding wearing a bra."

  Breast lumps during breastfeeding are a common condition that is often experienced by many nursing mothers. These lumps can sometimes cause pain and make the mother uncomfortable while breastfeeding. That is why breast lumps should be treated immediately. Come on, find out how to deal with breast lumps while breastfeeding here.

In order to deal with it in the right way, first the mother needs to find out the cause of breast lumps when breastfeeding. There are many possible causes for breast lumps while breastfeeding. Most are not serious conditions, so they can heal on their own and do not require special treatment. However, breast lumps can also be a sign of a serious disease, such as breast cancer.

Here are some causes of breast lumps during breastfeeding that are not serious:

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Breast lumps that mothers feel when breastfeeding may be caused by blocked milk ducts. This can happen as a result of the mother wearing a bra or clothes that are too tight, so that eventually the milk gets clogged in one area of the breast.

Enlarged Breasts

At certain times, mothers can also feel a lump that feels painful in the breast. This may be because the mother has enlarged breasts. Enlarged breasts will feel harder and swollen, so they can form lumps. However, these lumps can disappear after the milk comes out manually or by pumping. Breast lumps due to swelling usually occur when the baby cannot suckle properly, so that the milk does not come out as a result.

Here are some serious causes of breast lumps during breastfeeding that mothers need to be aware of:


Mastitis is a condition in which the breast tissue becomes inflamed which is sometimes accompanied by infection. This condition can cause an abscess (collection of pus) to form in the breast tissue. In severe cases, mastitis can be fatal if not treated immediately.


This is a benign tumor of the breast that is more common in women between the ages of 20–30 years. Fibroadenomas form from breast tissue and connective tissue, and can occur in one breast only or both.


Lipomas are lumps of fat that grow slowly under the skin. These lumps can not only grow in the breast, but also in other parts of the body, such as the neck, shoulders, back and stomach. Lipomas are benign tumors that are harmless, but need to be removed if they are enlarged and disturbing.

How to Overcome Breast Lumps When Breastfeeding

In most cases, breast lumps do not require special treatment, because they are not dangerous and annoying. Usually breast lumps during breastfeeding are most often caused by mastitis. Mothers can overcome mastitis breast lumps in the following steps:

  • Continue to feed on the affected breast, but position the baby so that he or she is properly attached while feeding. The mother can place a pillow under the baby's head in the mother's lap, then direct the baby's chin to the blocked duct.
  • Compress the breast with a towel that has been soaked in warm water.
  • Massage the breast from the top to the nipple slowly. Make sure the breasts are warm when massaged. Massage by pushing the mammary glands up to the nipples.
  • Avoid wearing bras or tight clothing that can block the flow of milk.
  • If the lump is painful, don't take drugs without discussing it with your doctor first. For the initial stage, mothers can take drugs, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, to relieve pain. However, if the pain persists, the mother can take antibiotics but still on the doctor's advice.

That's how to deal with breast lumps while breastfeeding.

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