“Different types of hypertension will cause symptoms and have health risks. It is important to know the six types of hypertension that may be experienced to reduce the possibility of complications.
When you have blood pressure that is higher than normal, it means you are experiencing or at risk of developing hypertension. This is a health condition that people often underestimate, but can actually cause dangerous complications such as a stroke.
Well, actually hypertension is also more complex than you might know. This disease has many types that differ in occurrence and symptoms. Check out what types of hypertension a person can experience below!
Various Types of Hypertension That Can Be Experienced
Hypertension is divided into several types. If you have a history of this disease, you need to know the type of hypertension you are experiencing in order to reduce the risk of complications from this disease in the future.
Here are the types of hypertension that you need to know:
1. Primary or essential hypertension
This type of hypertension will appear gradually over many years. The cause itself is due to genetic factors, or an unhealthy lifestyle that a person lives. Most people who have this disease show no symptoms at all, even the symptoms will appear similar to those of other medical conditions.
2. Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that occurs due to other medical conditions that sufferers experience. This condition tends to appear suddenly and cause blood pressure to spike.
Some conditions that trigger primary hypertension include:
- Adrenal gland disorders, such as Cushing's syndrome, hyperaldosteronism, and pheochromocytoma.
- Kidney disease, such as polycystic kidney disease, kidney tumors, kidney failure, or blockage of a major artery.
- Taking drugs.
- Sleep apnea, which is someone who experiences sudden breathing stops during sleep.
- Coarctation of the aorta, or a birth defect that causes the sufferer to have aortic narrowing.
- Have thyroid and parathyroid problems.
- Preeclampsia, a pregnancy disorder characterized by hypertension and high levels of protein in the urine.
3. Prehypertension
Prehypertension is a health condition that occurs when blood pressure is higher than normal. If you have this condition, it is a sign that you are at risk of developing hypertension. Prehypertension is a condition when blood pressure is between 120/80 mmHg and 140/90 mmHg.
Meanwhile, normal blood pressure should be below 120/80 mmHg. A person can be classified as having hypertension if the blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg or more. This type of hypertension generally does not show any signs and symptoms.
4. Hypertensive crisis
Hypertensive crisis is a type of hypertension that has reached a severe stage, that is, if the blood pressure reaches 180/120 mmHg or more. Blood pressure that is too high can damage blood vessels, cause inflammation, and can cause internal bleeding. If it occurs, this condition can cause complications, such as a stroke.
Hypertensive crisis can occur due to several diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or heart failure. If it has happened, the sufferer may not feel certain symptoms. However, when symptoms appear, the symptoms that sufferers experience can include headaches, nosebleeds, or excessive anxiety.
5. Hypertension urgency
When urgency hypertension occurs, the sufferer's blood pressure will already be very high (more than 180/120 mmHg) but not until there is damage to the organs in the body.
This type of hypertensive urgency is part of the hypertensive crisis. Symptoms that occur include shortness of breath, chest pain, back pain, numbness, changes in vision, or difficulty speaking.
6. Hypertension emergency
Hypertension emergency is a condition that occurs when blood pressure is very high and has caused damage to organs in the body. The symptoms themselves generally include shortness of breath, chest pain, back pain, numbness, vision changes, difficulty speaking, or convulsions.
When symptoms appear, the sufferer should immediately go to the nearest hospital to get medical treatment because this type of hypertension can cause dangerous complications such as death.
Those are some types of hypertension that you need to know. To avoid all of these conditions, you also need to find out about the most effective ways to reduce high blood pressure.