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Children Get Migraine, This Is What Parents Need To Do

Migraine is a type of headache that feels throbbing and usually attacks on one side of the head. If you think migraine is an adult disease, you are wrong. This headache can also be experienced by children.

Migraine in children can occur at any age. However, the most common is at school age and entering puberty.

In general, there are two types of migraines in children. The first is migraine without aura, which occurs in 60-85% of children. While the second is migraine with aura, which occurs in 15-30% of children.

In addition to complaints of a headache on one side that feels throbbing or prickling and the appearance of an aura, other symptoms that can accompany it are nausea and vomiting. After a migraine attack, children can feel tired, weak, and look confused.

Causes of Migraine in Children

Currently, the cause of migraine in children is still unclear. However, according to research, it is known that genetic factors play a role in the occurrence of migraines.

That is, most children who suffer from migraines have at least one family member with a history of similar complaints.

Some cases of migraine are thought to be triggered by a temporary deficiency of the hormone serotonin.

In addition, other studies have revealed the presence of other neurotransmitters in the brain that play a role in the occurrence of migraines, such as the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP).

Migraine in children can also be triggered by extrinsic factors. For example stress, changes in sleep time, hormonal changes in girls when entering puberty, and certain foods such as cheese and fast food.

Here's What Parents Need To Do

Treatment for migraines in children depends on how often migraines recur and the severity of the symptoms.

However, in general, migraines in children can be treated in several ways, such as:

1. Make Sure Your Child Gets Enough Rest

When a migraine attack occurs, make sure your child takes a break.

Because, getting enough sleep can help relieve migraine symptoms. Let your child rest in a dark, quiet room.

2. Take Pain Reliever

If the migraine symptoms are unbearable, you can give pain relievers to help relieve migraine attacks in children.

Make sure you consult with your doctor first regarding what pain medication is suitable for migraines experienced by children.

3. Manage Stress Well

Not only adults who can experience stress and pressure, children too. Uncontrolled stress can trigger recurring migraines.

Therefore, make sure you accompany the child and make him calmer and more comfortable.

4. Apply Relaxation Techniques

One way to deal with migraines in children is with relaxation techniques. This relaxation technique can be in the form of deep breathing or relaxing the muscles.

While your child is doing relaxation techniques, you can play some calm and beautiful music for him.

5. Take Notes About Migraine Attacks

Keeping a log of migraine attacks can help control migraines.

Keep a record of when migraine attacks come, how long they last, what triggers them, what symptoms accompany them, and how to relieve them.

6. Applying a Healthy Lifestyle to Children

Migraine attacks in children can occur due to many factors. Therefore, as a parent you can help direct him to a healthy lifestyle to help reduce migraine recurrence.

For example, ensuring that children get enough sleep, eat healthy and nutritious foods, drink enough water, and exercise regularly.

If migraine complaints in children do not improve and the frequency of attacks increases, it is better for you to consult with a doctor further.

In addition to conducting a follow-up examination, the doctor will suggest drugs that are useful for relieving pain during an attack or for preventing migraines from recurring. Some of these types of drugs are:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief
  • Triptans, such as sumatriptan
  • Antiemetic drugs to help reduce nausea and vomiting
  • Antidepressant drugs such as amitriptyline
  • Antiseizure drugs such as valproic acid
  • Antihypertensive drugs such as beta blockers (propranolol), calcium channel blockers (verapamil)

To determine which drug to take, it is best if you consult directly with the doctor, considering that each child can get different types of drugs and doses depending on the severity of the migraine experienced.

Thus the causes and ways to deal with migraines in children. Pay attention to risk factors that can cause children to experience migraines, such as often not eating or eating late, eating certain foods, not getting enough sleep, stress and fatigue.

Before migraines occur in children, you as a parent can avoid these risk factors.

However, if migraines in children are felt continuously, even the symptoms are getting worse, immediately consult a doctor. It may be part of the symptoms of a more serious illness.

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