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Ice Cream Eating Rules for Pregnant Women

Doc by Freepik

If pregnant women are happy or have a craving for ice cream, don't hesitate to eat it during pregnancy, OK? Because, this snack is classified as safe for consumption by pregnant women, really. However, before consuming it, there are some rules for eating ice cream that pregnant women need to take note of.

Besides being able to fulfill cravings, ice cream is a dairy food that contains calcium. As is known, calcium is beneficial in the growth of the bones and teeth of the fetus, as well as the development of the heart, nerves, and muscles of the fetus.

Even so, ice cream should not be eaten in excess, because the sugar contained in it can make pregnant women gain weight and trigger gestational diabetes. Excess sugar during pregnancy is also known to inhibit fetal brain development.

Rules for Eating Ice Cream During Pregnancy

To prevent the side effects of consuming ice cream which is included in this sweet food category, pregnant women need to sort out the type of ice cream to be consumed, including the raw materials and taste. The following are safe rules for eating ice cream for pregnant women:

1. Pay attention to the number

Until now, there is no safe amount of ice cream that is recommended for pregnant women. However, the intake of these snacks needs to be limited to prevent excessive calorie and sugar intake.

On average, one 65 gram pack of ice cream sold in the market contains approximately 140–210 calories with 12–24 grams of added sugar. If consumed in excess, it can certainly increase the risk of excessive weight gain in pregnant women.

2. Choose pasteurized milk

Generally, packaged ice cream sold in the market is made from pasteurized milk. However, it's good for pregnant women to keep reading the product packaging to ensure that the raw materials used in the ice cream are made from pasteurized milk, right?

Ice cream made from raw or unpasteurized milk can be contaminated with bacteria that can endanger the health of the prospective baby and pregnant women themselves.

3. Pay attention to the taste

Chocolate or coffee flavored ice cream is delicious, isn't it, pregnant woman? However, be careful you know, chocolate and coffee contain caffeine which if consumed in excess can actually have a negative impact on pregnancy.

It would be better if pregnant women consume ice cream that is free of caffeine, for example, which has a fruit flavor. In addition to refreshing, pregnant women will avoid the possibility of excessive caffeine consumption.

4. Be careful when processing homemade ice cream

Homemade ice cream is considered healthier because pregnant women can choose safe and quality ingredients. However, pregnant women need to be careful in processing it. Make sure the ice cream ingredients are fully cooked before freezing.

The reason is, if not cooked until cooked, eggs which are one of the basic ingredients of ice cream can increase the risk of food poisoning due to Salmonella bacterial infection.

It's okay to eat ice cream while pregnant. However, remember, ice cream should only be enjoyed occasionally, not for mandatory food consumed every day.

To maintain the health of pregnant women and their fetuses in the womb, make sure pregnant women continue to consume nutritionally balanced foods, exercise regularly, get enough rest, and manage stress well.

If pregnant women still have questions regarding eating ice cream while pregnant or about other pregnancy health, don't hesitate to consult a doctor, OK?

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